May 3, 2017

Cirrus Aircraft Gets FAA Production Certificate For Vision Jet

Officials from the FAA visited Cirrus Aircraft in Duluth, Minnesota, on Tuesday to award the company with a production certificate for the Cirrus jet. The certification […]
May 3, 2017

Bell Helicopter V-280 Tilt-Rotor Nears First Flight

Bell Helicopter’s new tilt-rotor design, the V-280 Valor, is about 95 percent complete and will likely fly for the first time in September, the company says. […]
March 21, 2017

Textron Starts Citation Longitude Production

Cessna has started assembly-line production of its Cessna Citation Longitude, in Wichita, Textron said on Monday in a news release. Also, the third jet in the […]
March 14, 2017

Bell 525 Probe Points to Vibration, Frequency Response in Fatal Crash

Investigators have found that Bell Helicopter’s 525 prototype experienced rotor system vibration and frequency resonance in its airframe and flight control system seconds before the aircraft […]
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